Saturday, January 20, 2024

The Dawn of a New Journey

    It is Saturday morning, 5:26am and I am still trying to figure out what IS101 is going to be about.  I know it has to do with computers, and the workload already seems to be higher than any of my other previous classes so it will be interesting to see what happens.  This is a new field for me, mostly I work with machines and tools, now I get to sit on a chair and type away.  Honestly, I do like the idea of trading in my tool bag for a fancy suit.

    I think the focus of this blog will be to catalog journey.  Here is where I will write down some of the challenges and treasures that I come across.  In the future, I look forwards to coming back to this to re-read these posts while also reflecting on where the road has taken me.


  1. Hello Alonso! I like how you opened up about what you thought about the class. I as well had the same thought about IS 101 knowing it had to do with computers however it is much more then just that. I am looking forward to hearing more about your journey in the future through your blog.

  2. Trading your tool bag for a fancy suit is an excellent and practical goal!

    Challenges and treasures, I love your dual outlook ^_^

    Welcome to IS101-3002, Spring 2024, Alonso :-)

  3. Alonso, I have been on both sides of the "tool bag" in my career. The grass is not always greener on the other side. This is just my preference, of course. I prefer to be hands-on in the field, rather than be behind a desk typing away. Whatever you prefer though, I hope everything works out the best for you.

  4. Alonso, good idea to have a method to review where you've been and using a class assignment to do it is killing two birds with one stone! I find it helps with perspective and look forward to reading about yours.

  5. I like your outlook on this class! The "trading your tool bag for a fancy suit" and "challenges and treasures" resonated with me. Hope everything goes well for you.

  6. I hope everything goes well for you. I think it will be interesting to see how things change throughout the blog posts.

  7. It's early morning, and you're diving into the unknown world of IS101 – a new adventure with computers. The workload feels hefty, especially compared to your previous classes, but the idea of trading tools for a keyboard has its appeal. The decision to document your journey is brilliant! It'll be fascinating to look back on the challenges and treasures you encounter. Here's to a new chapter and the lessons it brings! 🌟

  8. I agree when you said that this is a new field for you, coming out of the military I've always been on my feet and using my hands. Interested to see where this path takes us.

  9. I totally agree with you here; I understand how it can be difficult for new people with a naive understanding of tech to get the hang of this class. But this class should help out a bit for those who don't understand. Good luck this semester.

  10. This is a very cool blog post! I like how it looks, and your idea on what the class will be about is very fascinating and the thought of this being a catalog of our big journey through IS101, I'm also excited to take a look back after all of this to see how far I've come at the end of this semester. This is also all very new to me, I'm hoping the further we get into this Class, the better grasp of understanding I get of what IS101 is all about.

  11. I entered into this class the same as you. I had no idea what this class was about and only knew it was a requirement. I really like the idea you set up for your blog, following you through your journey of understanding what the class is and how the work is treating you. I am excited to read more!

  12. While reading your blog there was something that really caught my attention, and that is how you know where you want to go with your blog. That you want to use it in order to reflect on your journey through IS101. It is also really cool now that you are trying to learn more to progress in your work force.

  13. Hi Alonso, I like your way of your writing. Its very smooth and the way you picked up the words are catchy. Its really interesting to ready through your blogs. Wishing a great success in your new journey.

  14. You're positive mindset will definitely win you the fancy suit you're hoping to trade-in! This class will teach us the necessary skills to set us in the right direction. I have faced similar feelings regarding this class.

  15. Hi Alonso, transitioning from a tool bag to a fancy suit sounds like quite the change. Your idea to document your journey in a blog is brilliant. Looking forward to hear more about the challenges and treasures you encounter along the way in our class.
